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Ray Donovan Look Out – This Mom Fixer is Bringing the Krazy

Krazy-Glue-for-Crafts-and-Small-Home-RepairsAs I watch the preview screeners of Ray Donovan (don’t worry, no spoilers), I am fascinated by the concept of the “fixer.” This is the person that makes everyone’s messes go away and repairs anything that goes wrong. I find this ironic, as this is how my son regards me. I am the fixer around my household. Not only do piles of clothes and toys magically find their way back into their places (yes, of course I make him clean up his own messes, but let’s be realistic, sometimes you just don’t have time for the clean-up-for-one-minute -play -for-two pace of a child helping neaten up a room), but in the tragic case of a toy breaking, I am the Godly fixer.
It is I who welds the Kragle, of LEGOLAND the Movie, but in a good way. My best friend and hero-maker in my house is Krazy Glue. The feared tube of my youth, that Mom warned me could stick my fingers together forever, is now the tool that saves the day when my son’s beloved toys snap in half, lose a piece, or otherwise fall apart in this day of Made-in-China toys that inevitably my son loves more than the well-made and precisely engineered and more expensive toys that I buy him and would prefer for him to make his prized toys.
I have recently added new firepower to my arsenal of Krazy Glue WMD (Weapons of Mass Construction) the Ultra Thick Gel craft Krazy Glue that has the same hang-from-your-hardhat-on-a-steel-beam strength but in a no-run gel that bonds to ceramic, plastic, wood, porcelain metal, leather rubber, vinyl, etc., but also features a special formula designed to delay skin bonding. So see Mom, I won’t permanently be giving the Spock sign, if I act fast enough.
I relish my role as the fixer, earning my son’s eternal appreciation every time I return a once-broken toy to him mended and (almost) like new. I may not tote a baseball bat, but I am a thug when it comes to all things broken around my house, and I am proud to be able to bring out the Krazy to make it all better.