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Online Educational Games to Engage Kids

My son hasn’t even started kindergarten, and already I am nervous about homework.  Mostly, I hope I am able to help him at home.  Luckily there many resources for parents today that can assist with homework challenges.  For instance, there are online math games for first graders that help them learn while having fun, and these games are easy enough that kids can do them on their own.

As I learn more about how the LAUSD system works, I realize that parents must be very involved with their children’s education these days.  Whereas when I was in school parents only came by the school for schedule conference or Back to School night, today parents are welcomed and in fact encouraged to drop in to observe or help out in the classroom. 

Even more starkly different today than when I was in grade school is the fact that schools are so underfunded and overcrowded that teachers and parents have to buy school supplies that used to be stocked in every school, and parents need to take it upon themselves to pay close attention to the lessons their children are learning and the homework they bring home.  Parents need to take an active and involved role in their children’s schooling, down to attending parent-teacher monthly meetings, volunteering for school fairs and other events, and finding ways to be present and invested in their child’s school program. 

The most regular way to stay in touch with what’s happening with your child’s education is homework, even extra-curricular homework such as online math games.  As many parents will attest, one of the best ways to engage your children is to stay up on technology, and turning your child onto online educational games is a perfect way to do this.

Homework can be dreaded by kids and parents, or it can be an opportunity to spend quality time with your child and take an active role in what your child is learning and helping them to develop good study habits to last their entire school career.