Get the family and go


Freshman in College

This guest post from Werner Rogers

When my daughter left for college this year, I took it a lot harder than I thought I would. We did everything possible to prepare her for life on her own, and I thought dropping her off at her dorm would be a happy occasion for all of us. It turned out to be very hard for her father and me emotionally. We were prepared in all the right ways, but we weren’t prepared for how it would feel to actually drive off and leave her all by herself. She’s adjusted swimmingly, of course. She loves her classes and has made a ton of new friends. Her dad and I are getting over it too, but we’ve also had to adjust our spending to afford the expenses of having a child in college. I almost had a heart attack over how expensive her textbooks alone were, and that’s to say nothing of the tuition and room and board. We’re making the necessary adjustments, but some are easier than others. The easiest one, by far, has been the decision to change electricity providers. We weren’t aware we could choose our own provider until someone at church recommended we check out Unlike some of the adjustments, this one has been a snap. We’re going to use that extra money to fly out to see her next month, and I can’t wait. I miss my little girl!