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Beach Body by Summer?

 My doctor just told me that at my age of forty-something, I am at the age when a woman gains the most weight of her lifetime.  So, I have made a commitment to myself, that I will step up my exercise and diet regimen so that I can at least maintain my present weight, if not lose a few pounds – er, at least 10-15, which I have gained over the last year.

First, I must set goals and benchmarks. I will start today, and then give myself a 90 Day Review.  As a former aerobics instructor and fitness counselor (read sales person at a health club), I have the basic training and know-how to create a safe and effective program, and I will supplement it with some of the traditional methods with new concepts like Extreme Body Workout.

If I start now, ideally I will have my Beach Body by summer, so that hopefully I will at least look better than those poor celebs who get snapped by paparazzi with zoom lenses for the “worst beach bodies” spreads in the tabloids.  Wish me luck.

This is a guest post provided by Fitness Alliance